Thursday, November 17

Delicious Dry Rub

So a few weeks ago we decided to have some friends over for supper and I was going to try something I had never done before, but ALWAYS wanted to do....turn my BBQ into a smoker!!! So anyway, this is a 2 day process, soaking wood chips, making dry rub, marinating for 24 hours and cooking/smoking for 6 hours. And thats the kind of stuff I love! I was making pulled pork sandwiches for supper so we used a Pork Shoulder,and applewood chips for the "smoke". My absolute favorite Chef on the Food Network is Michael Smith, and it was here that I got the inspiration and tips for smoking a pork shoulder.

 I realize smoking pork shoulder for 6 hours isn't really a great entertaining recipe so I'll just link you up in case your interested. BUT one thing that everyone can use is a really great Spice Blend. This one is simple, cheap and works on pork chops, chicken, in steak marinade, I used it on ribs this past weekend and on roast potatoes! Multi Purpose!

Delicious Dry Rub
Get yourself a Mason Jar with a lid to mix this in, and keep it in.
The recipe says tbsp, but it really means HEAPING tbsp. :)

4 tbsp Brown Sugar
4 tbsp Paprika
2 tbsp Garlic Powder
2 tbsp Onion Powder
2 tbsp Ground Pepper
2 tbsp Salt
2 tbsp Cumin
2 tbsp Coriander
2 tbsp Dried Oregano

put it all in the jar, and shake it up!

When you're using this rub, just remember it does contain a good amount of sugar, and sugar burns easily. If you use it on Potatoes (which I highly recommend) just watch them close and maybe flip them a few extra times.

Bre's Roast Potatoe Tip*
*Preheat your oven AND your pan. While your getting everything ready leave your pan in the oven to get hot hot hot. Take it out (using an oven mitt!) and pour your potatoes on, it has to sizzle! This keeps them from sticking to your pan.

1 comment:

  1. This receipe looks really good! Sounds time consuming, but well worth the effort! Also, I'll try your Roast Potatoe tip! Great idea! Thanks for another great post!
