I cant believe its been almost 2 weeks since I posted!! I apologize! In the past week or so I've been keeping busy, getting ready for the big Holiday and doing Cupcakes for the wag jag deal and other orders. Finished the 2 most important people on my Christmas list and now to add to gifts and figure out what the heck to get my parents and the in laws...I'm open to any suggestions!
So when I decided on the "theme" for our tree, about 4 years ago, I really wanted to do Gingerbread men and it had to be "country-ish". I looked everywhere for gingerbread men decorations ANYTHING would have done...I know it might be hard to believe now because they are everywhere, but there was nothing. So I had to make my own! I found a recipe online for Gingerbread ornaments, which was pretty much a gingerbread recipe with no egg. I looked last year through all my recipes and can't find the exact recipe I used...frustrating! But here's a link to a very similar one, with instructions!
Every year I put 3 trees, our main tree, a smaller one in the kitchen, and a tiny one in Charlee's room. Last year the tree in the kitchen got a huge makeover, from gold and red to Kitchen themed! What's on a kitchen themed tree? Started out with Cinnamon Ornaments, Gingerbread and Heart Shaped.