Saturday, July 30

Rootin Tootin 4th Birthday Preview

So one week away from the Jessie Themed 4th Birthday. Here's hoping Mother Nature is getting all her nasty weather out this weekend, the stress of throwing an outdoor Birthday eh? And not just outside, no that might be too easy, outside and 10 minutes away from our place. So fingers crossed for a hot sunny day!

So when it came time to start planning her party I really didn't want to have it inside, its summer, shes getting older and it would be nice if we could hold the cowgirl themed party outside. So I looked into a local Farm that hosts Birthday Parties,!But it was a little pricey and then I would be giving up all control over activities, theme food, decor.....Something I just can't do yet! So with a little more research and a trip to said provincial park....I decided that would be the place and luckily Charlee loves it there and also agreed.

I don't know if anyone else has planned a Jessie Party, but if you have you've noticed you can't really buy a lot with JUST Jessie on it. Lots of Toy Story stuff though. So I was forced to be creative and do a lot of DIY things (yay!) I did purchase a file on Etsy of Jessie "cupcake toppers" which I probably won't be using for cupcakes at all. I have been using them to complete other aspects of the party. In order to stick with the theme we are using all red, yellow and blue things, not very girly (especially for my Pink loving Princess). I decided I would give you a little sneak peek at all the cowgirl crafts I've been doing lately.

Perks of husband being a surveyor...cute free signs!

The beginnings of some of the decor.

4 Hot Dog Holders for $1 and some cute Napkins also $1 (big and small ones)

These will be the bags the kidlets use for the scavenger hunt/build your own treat bag. Bought at Walmart, both colors came in one package(BONUS) of 14 for $6. I purchased the Jessie art on Etsy to add to different parts of the party.

Cactus with the 4 will be part of a planter decoration.
 Seems like forever ago that I recreated the Purple Pug's sponge bombs for the occasion. You can check out the how to and pictures HERE. Don't forget to check out the Pug on FB and her Blog, shes amazing!

Last year for Charlee's Birthday I made some Marshmallow Pops, just simply chocolate and sprinkles, all the kids loved them of course. So this year Charlee asked if I could make them again! (she's too cute) Of course! For some reason Smores and Cowboys Cowgirls seem to go hand in hand, so this year I am making Smore Pops. And it just so happens that I found some free printables online!! YAY!! You can check them out here, and print them for your party too.

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