Tuesday, March 22

Cookie Pops

I've been wanting to attempt "Cake Pops" for awhile now so I've been looking up different ideas, different recipes and finally on the weekend I picked up the rest of the stuff I needed to make them.(check back for that post)

Then in one of my brainstorming sessions I remembered that I made a giant batch of cookie dough and froze some....COOKIE POPS! People make those, right? They would be super cute for the cocktail party if they worked, and would be cute for my daughters baton twirling class as a little treat. Get the true kid opinion!

Before they were decorated!

Add some chocolate ...
Finished Product, Wrapped up with a Ribbon.
Now to get back to making paper cones, and labels for the weekend! Busy Busy!!


  1. Holy cow! Those look amazing!! So how'd they do? Did they take easily to the stick? Chocolate chip are my fav! ;)

  2. Firm believer in desserts in all forms coming on sticks...just more fun that way.

  3. Thank-you Ladies for reading the blog! =)
    I agree! I love food on a stick, these were a huge hit with her baton class! So easy to make too!
